Ongoing training and support is essential to the early childhood profession and both are major components of the Early Years Count. Training is also available
on a limited basis to programs not a part of this Community Foundation Education Initiative.
Workshops & Other Training:
Ivy Tech offers an 8 credit hour course in the Preschool HighScope approach every fall and spring semester. Scholarships are available from EYC for teachers who work in a St. Joseph County early childhood center, ministry, or preschool that uses the HighScope curriculum and who do not qualify for T.E.A.C.H.
You can read more about HighScope here.
Infant Toddler HighScope training (120 hours) is conducted on an as-needed basis by a certified HighScope Trainer. If you are interested, contact us.
Based on the Taking Charge of Change curriculum from the McCormick Institute for Early Childhood Leadership, this nine-module series provides directors with the essential knowledge and skills to be an effective early childhood leader. If you are interested in taking part in the next cohort, contact us.
These are just some of the staff development topics that we've presented for teachers in Head Start, other early childhood programs, or at community workshops...
For teachers of infants & toddlers
Active Learning
Adult-Child Interactions
Biting Hurts
COR & Lesson Planning
Creating a Climate of Trust for Young Children
Group Times
HighScope KDIs
Ins and Outs of the Infant Toddler PQA
Schedules & Routines
Tip of the Iceberg: Responding to Challenging Behaviors with Confidence and Compassion
What to Expect from Twos… Ones…
For teachers of preschoolers
Bringing the Home Culture into the Classroom
Building Resilience in Young Children
Creative Arts (HighScope KDI)
Effective Response to Intense Emotions in Young Children
Encouragement Works
From Wow to How – Science in the PreK Classroom
Greeting Time
Large Group Time
Message Boards
Outside time—Beyond Bubbles and Chalk
Partnering in Play
Phonemic Awareness
Physical Development & Health (HighScope KDI)
Responding to Challenging Behaviors with Confidence and Compassion
Rough and Tumble Play
Social Studies in the Pre-K classroom
Using Cameras in the Classroom
What to Expect from Threes…
Conflict Resolution
Intentional Teaching
Math in preschool classroom
All early childhood professionals
Executive Function
Supporting Children Impacted by Trauma and Chronic Stress
Working in Teams
For directors
Individualizing Staff Development
10 Ways to Cope with the Stressors of Early Childhood Leadership