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HighScope Graduates

Congratulations to all the teachers who completed training in the Infant Toddler and Pre-K HighScope courses this spring and summer!

To date, almost 700 early childhood professionals have received 120 hours of training in the Pre-K HighScope curriculum and over 175 teachers and directors have taken Infant Toddler HighScope.


HighScope PreK is currently offered at Ivy Tech in both Fall and Spring semesters and periodically in the community. If you see a consistent face in all these pics, that's Rosa Hiestand—the primary teacher of HighScope in our community.


Scholarships to Ivy Tech are available to prek early childhood educators through T.E.A.C.H., and for those working in programs participating in the Early Childhood Assessment Project (ECAP) through the Early Years Count Education Initiative (EYC) of the Community Foundation of St. Joseph County. 


EYC also holds trainings in the Infant Toddler HighScope curriculum.




2007 - Fall Semester Ivy Tech  (PreK)

2008 - Early Years Count (Infant-Toddler)

2008 - Spring Semester Ivy Tech (PreK)

2008 - Fall Semester Ivy Tech (PreK)

2009 - Spring Semester Ivy Tech (PreK)

2009 - SBCSC Career & Technical Education Students (PreK)

2009 - Early Years Count (Infant-Toddler)

2010 - Spring Semester Ivy Tech (PreK)

2010 - Summer Early Years Count (Pre-K Madison Center)

2010 - Summer Head Start (PreK)

2011 - Summer Head Start (PreK)

2011 - Fall Semester Ivy Tech (PreK)

2013 - Spring Semester Ivy Tech (PreK)

2012 - Fall Semester Ivy Tech (PreK)

2013 - SBCSC Career & Technical Education Students (PreK)

2013 - Non-formal CDA HighScope - The Family Connection

2013 - Fall Semester Ivy Tech (PreK)

2014 - Spring Semester Ivy Tech (PreK)

2014 - Fall Semester Ivy Tech (PreK)

2015 - Spring Semester Ivy Tech (PreK)

2015 - Fall Semester Ivy Tech (PreK)

2016 - Spring Semester Ivy Tech (PreK)

SY 2015 - 2016 - Title I SBCSC (PreK)

2016 - Summer Head Start (PreK)

2016 - Fall Semester Ivy Tech (PreK)

2016 - Fall Semester Ivy Tech (PreK)

2017 - Spring Semester Ivy Tech (PreK)

SY 2016 - 2017  Community (Infant-Toddler)

2017 - Summer at Head Start (PreK)

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2017 - Summer HighScope Lite (PreK)

Ivy tech fall 17.JPG

2017 - Fall Semester Ivy Tech (PreK)

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2018 - Spring Semester Ivy Tech (PreK)

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2018 - Summer HighScope Lite (PreK)

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2018 - Summer HighScope Lite (Infant Toddler)

highscope summer 18.JPG

2018 - Summer at Head Start (PreK)

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2018 - Summer at Head Start (PreK)

IMG_HS training summer 18.2.jpg

2018 - Summer at Head Start (PreK)

ivy tech fall 18.jpg

2018 - Fall Semester Ivy Tech (PreK)

ivy tech spring 19 1.jpg

2019 - Spring Semester Ivy Tech(PreK)

HS summer 19.2.JPG

2019 - Summer at Head Start (PreK)

HS training summer 19.JPG

2019 - Summer at Head Start (PreK)

HS training summer 19.3.JPG

2019 - Summer at Head Start (PreK)


2019 - Fall Semester Ivy Tech (PreK)


2020 - Spring Semester Ivy Tech (PreK)  Virtual ending due to Covid-19

2020 - Summer at Head Start (PreK)  Virtual due to Covid-19

High Scope Class.jpeg

2020 - Summer at Head Start

2021 - Spring Semester Ivy Tech (PreK)  Virtual due to Covid-19

2021 - Our first ever HighScope Course translated into Spanish!

2021 - ¡Nuestro primer curso HighScope traducido al español!

2021 Summer @ Early Head Start (Infant Toddler)

Highscope summer 2021 Rosa.png

2021 Summer @ Head Start (Preschool)

F21 HighScope.png

2021- Fall Semester Ivy Tech (PreK)  Virtual due to Covid-19


2022- HighScope Course translated into Spanish!

2022 - ¡Curso HighScope traducido al español!

Screen Shot 2022-05-13 at 8.13.25 AM.png

2022 - Spring Semester Ivy Tech (PreK)  Virtual due to Covid-19


2022 Summer @ Early Head Start/St.Joe Preschool (Infant Toddler)


2022 Summer @ Head Start (Pre K)


2022 - Summer HighScope Lite (PreK)


2022- Fall Semester Ivy Tech (PreK)


2022/23- Winter @ Early Head Start (Infant Toddler)

Spring 23 Spanish Graduates.jpeg

2023- HighScope Course translated into Spanish!

2023 - ¡Curso HighScope traducido al español!

Spring 2023 HighScope Class.png

2023- Spring Semester Ivy Tech PreK (Virtual)

HS Highscope course Summer 23.jpeg

2023 Summer @ Head Start (Infant Toddler and Pre K)

HS HighScope class Summer 23.png

2023 Summer @ Head Start (Pre K)

HS LIte Summer 23.jpeg

2023 - Summer HighScope Lite (PreK)


2023 Summer @ Head Start (Pre K)

2023 Fall Semester at Ivy Tech

2024 Spring Semester at Ivy Tech

2024- Infant Toddler HighScope Course translated into Spanish!

2024 - ¡Curso HighScope para bebés y niños pequeños traducido al español!

2024 Summer @ Head Start (Infant Toddler and Pre K)

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