HighScope Graduates
HighScope Certified Teachers, Programs
Congratulations all of our HighScope certified teachers and teams!
A huge shout-out for achieving this high high bar of quality.
In order for a program to become a certified program, all of their lead teachers had to first achieve HighScope certification. Becoming a Certified HighScope Teacher is no easy task. Certification requires high Program Quality Assessment scores—an average of 4.5 or higher on a 5.0 scale, with no individual item less than 4.0.
In addition, teachers need to demonstrate proficiency in the Child Observation Record, an assessment tool used to measure children's developmental progress; articulate how they plan each part of the day based on children's interests and developmental levels; provide evidence of individualization; and describe their own professional development path to their current level of expertise.
HighScope certification signifies a teacher's commitment to excellence in the classroom and dedication to the highest standards in implementing the HighScope curriculum. Through this certification journey, these teachers have demonstrated their ability to nurture the best outcomes for the children in their classrooms.